About EtO (Ethylene Oxide)

Ethylene oxide is a colorless, odorless gas whose specific chemical properties allow:

About EtO (Ethylene Oxide) sterilisation method

EtO is a type of chemical sterilisation, based in the use of a sterilising agent called : ethylene oxide.The method has been used in medicine for over 60 years and is as an alternative for items that cannot be sterilised with the traditional techniques of heat and / or steam.

This method has not yet been replaced by other modern technologies, making it invaluable due to its capacity of sterilisation of items sensitive to temperature.

The development of new materials and primary products, and also those of medical activity, has created many new techniques and procedures requiring nontraditional materials with high temperature sensitivity Traditional techniques of heat exposure (dry and wet) and steam autoclaves have been progressively replaced by gamma-ray radiation and chemical sterilisation with ethylene oxide.


Health care institutions (private, public hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums): medical packaging materials, sterilisation equipment.

Manufacturers of temperature-sensitive medical equipment (orthopaedic products, instruments for ophthalmology, etc ), medical packaging materials

Health emergencies (first aid units etc.): crushable glass ampoules containing EtO gas to be used without the process of sterilisation in the chambers.

Veterinary clinics and food industry : crushable glass ampoules containing EtO gas, to control wounds, and for instruments sterilisation.

Libraries and antiquarian: crushable glass ampoules containing EtO gas to control insects in books and in items of high historical value.

You can sterilise:

You cannot sterilise the following:

Ethylene Oxide Sterilisation (EtO)

EtO Sterilization is a low-temperature process, that uses Ethylene Oxide gas to reduce the level of infectious agents.
Ethylene oxide (C2H4O) is a colorless gas of a feeble ethereal odor which at low temperature and ambient pressure has a bactericidal effect by an alkylation rapid and intense reaction exerting on the micro-organisms which are in the form vegetative or spore.

Ethylene oxide sterilisation is used in the process of sterilisation on products that cannot withstand the heat, the steam pressure or the ionizing radiation.
Besides, Ethylene Oxide penetrating power can sterilise products in their final packaging which is gas permeable and impermeable to microorganisms.
The effectiveness of sterilisation is systematically monitored:

Prior any sterilisation the process requires a validation of influencing parameters such as initial product contamination, final product and its components checking, along with packaging and the sterilisation cycle parameters verification.